Air Freshener

Pengharum untuk menghilangkan bau yang tak sedap sehingga menyegarkan setiap sudut ruangan

Tersedia Varian: Apple / Lemon / Rose / Strawberry

Tersedia dalam Ukuran: 4L / 28L

Usage Instruction:


  1. Tuangkan Air Freshener ke dalam botol spray
  2. Semprotkan merata ke seluruh ruangan atau tirai jendela

Silahkan konsultasikan dengan perwakilan United Cleaning Enterprise untuk hasil yang maximal.


  1. Keep out of reach of children
  2. For more information, please see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  3. For medical emergency information in Indonesia, please call: (021) 4250767 / (021) 4227875 / 118 / 119

First Aid:

  • Eyes: Flush with cool water for at least 15 minutes and consult a physician immediately.
  • Inhalation: Move to an area with fresh air.
  • Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Dilute by drinking water and call a physician immediately.